BY KB2SCS VERSION 2.00

A DOS based program that allows the user to search the files located in the
APRS\readme sub directory by a keyword.
LOOKUP.EXE expects the following directory structure.
The above directory structure is derived from unzipping APRSxxx.zip with the
-d option. Which is the directory  structure that APRSdos uses.
If you do not use APRSdos but would like to use LOOKUP.EXE then download the
latest version of APRSdos. Unzip APRSxxx.zip using the following command

1) Copy LOOKUP.ZIP to the \APRS\PROGRAMS  sub directory
                   That is all there is to it.

To run LOOKUP.EXE depends on what Os you use.
Dos users would make the \APRS\PROGRAMS sub directory the default directory
by entering the following command    CD  \APRS\PROGRAMS
Then enter the following command       LOOKUP
Note you could also set your "Path" statement but that is beyond this manual.

W95 users would either run LOOKUP.EXE from the DOS prompt or by making a
shortcut to the program. If you elect to run LOOKUP.EXE via the DOS prompt
then you would follow the DOS users commands above.
If you elect to make a short cut then you are on your own.

Once the program is running the user is greeted with a prompt asking for a
keyword to search for. Enter the keyword and any file in the \APRS\README
sub directory that has that keyword in it will show up on the users screen .

The line that contains the keyword will always be the first line of the
screen. The next 21 lines of the file will also be displayed.
Screen line 23 will always be blank.
Screen line 24 will always contain the file name and the following
program hints.

help.txt x key to End q key next file up/down keys to move inside file.

q key:
       The q key performs two functions. Based on whether there is another
       match for keyword in the file you are viewing or not.

Another match: Then "q" key displays next part of file that has the keyword.

No other match: Then the "q" key displays the next file that has the
                keyword in it.
                If no more files with the keyword are present then
                the "q" key in this case would end LOOKUP.
x key
       The x key ends LOOKUP immediately.
Up/Down arrow keys.
       The Up/Down arrow keys move the cursor back and forth in the file.

That is all there is to it. 

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to submit them to 

The author is not responsible for any and all problems that might arise from
the proper or otherwise use of LOOKUP.EXE.
