Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 14:14:00 -0600 (CST) Reply-To: Originator: Sender: Precedence: bulk From: Brian Jones <> To: Subject: [BBSSIG:3936] United Kingdom BBS Regions and Counties X-Comment: Tucson Amateur Packet Radio BBS Special Interest Group For information: United Kingdom BBS Regions and Counties showing National Area Code -------------------------- To assist fowarding of messages within the United Kingdom, the country is divided in to seven regions, four in England which also include the offshore countries, and one for each of the other countries, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Each of those regions then have up to nine sub-regions containing one or more counties. The three letter codes shown against counties are used in various lists used on packet and also some contests. You should normally use a single BBS, located in easy communication range. If you use more than one mailbox to send messages it can cause problems with the routing of replies to you. If you want information on files at another mailbox you can use REQDIR and REQFIL messages, though not all systems carry files. The United Kingdom DX Clusters are primarily for the current exchange of DX information and do not normally exchange bulletins or other than personal mail for SysOps with the BBS network. ======================================================================= RSGB Reg A - Northern England RSGB Reg D - South West ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #11 Cheshire CHS #41 Avon AVN #12 Cleveland CVE #42 Berkshire BRK #13 Co. Durham DHM #43 Buckinghamshire BUX #14 Cumbria CBA #44 Devon DVN #15 Humberside HBS #44 Cornwall CNL #16 Greater Manchester MCH #45 Dorset DOR #16 Isle of Man (GD) IOM #45 Somerset SOM #16 Merseyside MSY #46 Gloucestershire GLR #16 Lancashire LNH #47 Alderney (GU) ALD #17 Northumberland NLD #47 Jersey (GJ) JER #18 Tyne and Wear TWR #47 Guernsey (GU) GUR #19 North Yorkshire YSN #47 Sark (GU) SRK #19 South Yorkshire YSS #48 Hampshire HPH #19 West Yorkshire YSW #48 Isle of Wight IOW #49 Wiltshire WLT RSGB Reg B - Midlands #49 Oxfordshire OFE & East Anglia ------------------------------- RSGB Reg E - Wales (GW) #21 Bedfordshire BFD -------------------------------- #22 Cambridgeshire CBE #51 Clwyd CLD #23 Nottinghamshire NOT #52 Dyfed DFD #23 Derbyshire DYS #53 Mid Glamorgan GNM #24 Hereford and Worcester HWR #53 South Glamorgan GNS #25 Leicestershire LEC #53 West Glamorgan GNW #26 Lincolnshire LCN #54 Gwent GWT #27 Northamptonshire NHM #55 Gwynedd GDD #28 Shropshire SPE #56 Powys PWS #28 Staffordshire SFD #29 Warwickshire WKS RSGB Reg F - Northern Ireland (GI) #29 West Midlands WMD --------------------------------- #61 County Antrim ATM RSGB Reg C - South East #62 County Armagh ARM ------------------------------- #63 County Down DWN #31 Essex ESX #64 County Fermanagh FMH #32 Greater London LDN #65 County Londonderry LDR #33 Hertfordshire HFD #66 County Tyrone TYR #34 Kent KNT #35 Norfolk NOR RSGB Reg G - Scotland (GM) #36 Suffolk SFK -------------------------------- #37 Surrey SRY #71 Borders BDS #38 East Sussex SXE #72 Central CTR #38 West Sussex SXW #73 Dumfries and Galloway DGL ------------------------------- #74 Fife FFE Occasionally a code for an #75 Grampian GRN adjacent area is used, #76 Western Isles WIL by a mailbox because of #76 Orkney ORK available forwarding paths. #76 Highland HLD ------------------------------- #76 Shetland SLD + Support your + #77 Lothian LTH + local Packet Group + #78 Strathclyde SCD + + #79 Tayside TYS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions, answers or suggested topic? 73 Brian G8ASO PMS address @ G8ASO.GB7GLO.#46.GBR.EU File: HELP-023.ASO Date: 20-Aug-93 ***** ============================================================== Brian Jones Worcester, United Kingdom G8ASO @ G8ASO.GB7GLO.#46.GBR.EU ==============================================================